Price : $ 2,65
Price : $ 4.15
CIN: U25200TZ2009PTC015070
Regt.Office:S.F No.361/1, Kothampalayam,
Mugasipidariyur Post, Chennimalai, Tamil Nadu-638051
A growth of economy without any corresponding growth of society has no meaning where only some people will be capable of reaping the growth fruits and others will be lagging behind. As a responsible corporate, Sarvesh Multi Plast India Private Limited has been working in coordination with various trusts, foundation, charities and others for welfare of the local region around the district in which the company is situated by carrying out activities. Education, Health care and Environment Sustainability has been the activities in which the company has involved the most.
Objectives of the policy:
We will mobilise the core competencies for better project planning using our understanding for the promotion and betterment of people belonging to various sectors in the society.
The main focus of the company will be to
In line with the Provisions of Section 135 of the Companies Act 2013 and relevant Rules made thereof, the Board of Directors of the Company at their meeting formed a CSR Committee with two directors present in the company.
The Company shall spend at least 2% of the average net profits of the company made during the three immediately preceding financial years, in pursuance of this Corporate Social Responsibility Policy towards various enumerated social activities.
“Net Profit” means the net profit of Company as per its financial statement prepared in accordance with the applicable Provisions of the Act, but shall not include the following namely:
The Company shall undertake the following activities within the framework of Schedule VII to the Companies Act 2013
The Company shall sponsor for renovation / repair of a School Campus or providing various basic infrastructure facilities for effective learning of the Students such as:
(i) Flooring and such other related Works
(ii) Construction of Class Rooms
(iii) Purchase of Chairs and Tables
(iv) Purchase of Computers
(v) Purchase of Lab Equipments
(vi) Construction of Rest Rooms / Toilets
(vii) Such other amenities like establishing fencing gates etc,
(viii) Such other work as may be decided by the board from time to time
The Company shall extend financial assistance to the students of economically challenged sections for pursuing their education irrespective of caste, greed, Religion etc., subject to the conditions being decided by the board from time to time:
Eligibility Criteria
The Company shall contribute such amount as earmarked for CSR Spending from its profits to the Corpus of any other Trust, Associations, Section 8 Company in respect of the Projects or programs relating to the CSR Activities as approved by the Board.
Food being one of the essential things needed for survival. The company shall spend a part of amount from CSR amount towards those who are deprived of these essentials.
The company shall decide to support those researches which are approved by the board and is also required to make sure that the amount provided as support for the research is used only for that specific purpose.
Covid-19 being the dangerous disease that humans are being faced currently. It has become the responsibility of the company to lend its hand in helping those people who are affected by the virus. The company shall decide to do it in best possible way.
The company has taken steps to avoid accidents in places where that happens very often by placing the barricades to control the speed driven by the drivers. With these measures the reduction of accidents would be reduced in a reasonable rate.
The Company shall contribute for protection and sustainability of the clean environment in the following means:
Strengthening rural areas by improving accessibility, housing, drinking water, sanitation, power and livelihoods, thereby creating sustainable villages.
Budget for CSR Activity& CSR Expenses:
The Company shall allocate the budget for CSR activities. The minimum budgeted amount for a financial year shall be 2% of the average net profit of three immediately preceding financial years. The Company may allocate more fund/amount than the amount prescribed under section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013, for the CSR activities for any financial year. The board shall calculate the total fund for the CSR activities and approve the same.
CSR expenditure shall include all expenditure including contribution to corpus for projects or programs relating to CSR activities approved by the Board but does not include any expenditure on an item not in conformity or not in line with the approved CSR activities.
Identification of activities/projects:
Out of approved CSR activities, the board shall decide which activity/project should be given priority for the respective financial year. While arriving at the decision of the activity to be undertaken for the respective year, the board shall analyse the basic need of the community/ area in which the Organisation operates or at the place where its registered office is situated and shall record its findings and prioritise the CSR activities.
Implementation process:
After prioritizing the activity, the board shall finalise the detail implementation project/programme, including planning for expenses against the total budget allocated for CSR activities.
Organisational Responsibility:
At organisational level for implementation of agreed CSR activity, the board may constitute an implementation team or authorised any of the Department of the Company to organize for the implementation of the CSR activity.
The team or respective department shall monitor the implementation process from time to time, on behalf of the board and place a report to the board regarding the progress of the activity implementation, on a quarterly basis. The respective department or implementation team would be responsible for reporting of any irregularity to the board on immediate basis.
Monitoring by the Board:
The Board of Directors shall constantly monitor the implementation of the CSR activities. The Board shall review the same and suggest recommendation, if any, with regard to implementation process.
Compliance and Reporting to Board:
The board is responsible to undertake CSR activities as per the approved CSR Policy. A detail report containing the implementation schedule, total budget allocated, actual expenses incurred, surplus arising, if any, result achieved, further work to do in the concern CSR activity, Recommendation for the CSR activities for next year etc. should be placed before the Board for its consideration. Any surplus arising out of the fund allocated for CSR activity shall not be the part of the business profit of the Company.
Management Commitment:
Our Board of Directors, our Management and all our employees subscribe to the philosophy of compassionate care. We believe and act on an ethos of generosity and compassion, characterized by a willingness to build a society that works for everyone. This is the cornerstone of our CSR policy. Our Corporate Social Responsibility policy conforms to the relevant section of the Corporate Social Responsibility, Rules made under Companies Act, 2013 and amendment(s) to be made thereto in future.
S.No | Name | View |
1 | CSR Policy | CSR PolicyView |
2 | CSR Report Fy 2020-2021 | CSR projectView |
3 | CSR Report Fy 2021-2022 | CSR project View Annual Action View |
4 | CSR Report Fy 2022-2023 | CSR projectView Annual ActionView |